Extract by Winfried Sitte, a registered Architect in Queensland with over two decades in professional practice, and a resident in Salisbury for over 15 years with his family. Winfried is passionate about sustainable design, ecosystem-regenerative strategies and social enterprise.

Like an earlier Salisbury submission, many points are valid for Moorooka too. 

Check out Winfried's draft plan below and with others on the Resources page.

Again, this is someone else's submission, containing their opinions and thoughts, read carefully.

Comments on any of the plans can be made on the Submission Samples Feedback blog article.

Thumbnail Title Filename Date Posted Size
PDF file icon Salsibury Plan BCC -Feedback WS July2021-Winfried Sitte.pdf Salsibury_Plan_BCC_-Feedback_WS_July2021-Winfried_Sitte.pdf 26/7/21 46.25 KB

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