Simon Cole has provided a copy of his in-depth submission for others to examine.

"In a nutshell, I have tried to engage with the strategy in a positive sounding way whilst pointing it in directions it would be better to go in; Additional Theme (Definitions, Drivers & Stakeholders), Better consultation; A tower complex over the station instead of any medium/high density zoning." - Simon Cole

Check out Simon's plan below and with others on the Resources page.

Again, this is someone else's submission, containing their opinions and thoughts, read carefully.

Comments on any of the plans can be made on the Submission Samples Feedback blog article.

Thumbnail Title Filename Date Posted Size
PDF file icon Nathan Salisbury Moorooka Neighbourhood Plan draft strategy_Simon Cole feedback_July 2021_v5.pdf Nathan_Salisbury_Moorooka_Neighbourhood_Plan_draft_strategy_Simon_Cole_feedback_July_2021_v5.pdf 17/7/21 85.68 KB