Max Hooper (SBSF) has passed on the excellent submission that local Salisbury based town planner Chris Fogarty did, focusing on Salisbury character retention.

"Council’s proposal is unacceptable. It does not do any examination of any potential issue with increased density – no high level traffic assessment, nothing." - Chris Fogarty

Mainy of the general points, particulary those related to protecting the amenity of existing residents are valid for Moorooka too. 

Check out Chris's draft plan below and with others on the Resources page.

Again, this is someone else's submission, containing their opinions and thoughts, read carefully.

Comments on any of the plans can be made on the Submission Samples Feedback blog article.

Thumbnail Title Filename Date Posted Size
PDF file icon Salisbury-Draft-Submission-Chris-Fogarty.pdf Salisbury-Draft-Submission-Chris-Fogarty.pdf 25/7/21 9,393.00 KB